The 69 Commandments of Jehovah's Witnesses
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SOURCES: (all taken from Watchtower Online Library)
Thou shall not question the Faithful Slave w07 4/1 pp. 21-25
Only the FS can interpret the Scriptures for you (ws13 7/15 pp. 20-25)
Thou shall keep up with all spiritual food (same as above)
Thou shalt not dwell on old light (w97 8/1 pp. 8-14)
Thou shall not accept a blood transfusion (Shepherd Chp 18)
Thou shall not celebrate your birthday (w98 10/15 pp. 30-31)
Thou shalt not salute the flag (w02 9/15 pp. 21-25)
Thou shalt not have a political opinion (
ws16 April pp. 21-26
Thou shall not celebrate Mother’s day (
g74 2/8 pp. 27-28
Thou shalt not watch entertainment associated with the occult w19 April pp. 20-25
Thou shall not use the cross w87 8/15 pp. 21-24
Thou shall not pray to Jesus w94 12/15 pp. 23-25
Thou shalt not accept Jesus as your mediator if you are not anointed w89 8/15 pp. 30-31
Thou shalt not eat from the bread and wine in the Lord’s Supper if you are not annointed (WT Jan 2015 SE)
Thou shalt not bless someone after they sneeze g99 10/22 pp. 3-4
Thou shalt not give a toast w07 2/15 pp. 30-31
Thou shalt not donate to a religious charity lff lesson 58
Thou shalt ignore any negative reports about our organization w98 12/1 pp. 13-18
Thou shall not deal with apostates lff lesson 58
Thou shalt completely shun any disfellowshipped members Shepherd 12
Thou shalt not smoke tobacco w06 7/15 pp. 29-31
Thou shalt not work at a casino Shepherd chapter 12
Thou shalt not get tattoos ijwbq article 50
Thou shalt not wear a beard w16 September pp. 17-21
If you have vagina, don’t come like this to the meeting (colored hair, short dress, suit)
w16 September pp. 17-21
Men shalt not wear tight pants ws18 July pp. 21-26
Men shalt not have extreme hair styles (same as above)
You shalt be disfellowshipped if there’s circumstantial evidence of adultery (SH12)
You shall not come to Jehovah empty handed (video clip)
Thou shalt not perform work for another church lff lesson 58
Thou shalt not use foul language Shepherd 12
Thou shalt not masturbate (Remain in God’s love appendix)
Thou shalt not participate in sexting (shepherd 12)
Thou shalt not watch pornography w06 7/15 pp. 29-31
If you do watch CP, the congregation shalt not consider that as child abuse
Thou shalt not have improper thoughts w22 March pp. 8-12
Thou shalt not caress the breasts of your girlfriend (shepherd 12)
Physical abuse is not a valid reason for divorce (shepherd 12)
Thou shalt not allow your children to make non witness friends (Caleb video)
Thou shalt not participate in holiday parties at school (Caleb video)
Thou shalt not serve in the military (Insight into the Scriptures pp172-176)
Thou shalt not protest g 7/13 pp. 6-9
Thou shalt not own a weapon w68 6/1 pp. 345-350
Thou shalt not practice yoga w02 8/1 pp. 20-22
Thou shalt not practice martial arts w68 6/1 pp. 345-350
Thou shalt abandon your career if it robs your time from spiritual activities w17 May pp. 22-26
Thou shalt meet for worship twice a week w16 April pp. 18-22
If you are dating, Thou shalt have a chaperone with you at all times g 2/10 pp. 12-13
Thou shalt not date an unbeliever w16 November pp. 9-13
Thou shalt not date without the intent of marriage (shepherd 12)
Thou shalt preach door to door lff lesson 21
Thou shalt turn in a monthly report stating how many hours you spent on the ministry
km 1/73 p. 4
Thou shalt not join the YMCA w79 1/1 pp. 30-31
Thou shalt not believe in evolution g97 10/22 pp. 12-13
Thou shalt not form independent Bible study groups km 9/07 p. 3
No women shalt have a role in leadership ijwfq article 27
Thou shalt not idolize a celebrity or sports team g98 5/22 pp. 12-14
Thou shalt not donate sperm g04 9/22 pp. 6-11
Thou shalt confess any major sin you commit to the elders lff lesson 57
If you catch any of your brothers comitting a sin, thou shalt report it to the elders lff lesson 58
Thou shalt obey the Governing Body at all times w07 4/1 pp. 21-25
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ABOUT ME: I’m a former Jehovah’s Witness who faded away from the religion around 2 years ago. I believe that current members of the organization deserve to be aware of the abuses committed by Watchtower. I am a big proponent of religious freedom and critical thinking, and invite my audience to be kind, open minded, and always stay curious.
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Email me: pandatower@gmail.com
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