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Sneaking Chinese Roblox Users Over The Firewall


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A few months ago I gained access to the Chinese version of Roblox and tried communicating with users living behind The Great Firewall. Cultural and language barriers quickly collapsed as we discovered we have way more in common than previously realized.

On September 1st, 2021, the Chinese Government introduced new gaming regulations that required all games to verify the identity of their players through China's National ID system, making Luobu inaccessible to foreigners. All footage was recorded before this date.

Special thanks to Waisenchun, DoubleHexagon, Hanako, NotesInBetween, SingleDog and hugoyie for helping organize the interviews.


thumbnail by
luobu tech support by
translation by Waisenchun
64 museum characters by brickimagination

00:00 How Chinese Roblox Works
02:00 Meeting a Chinese Roblox User
04:36 Interviewing a Chinese Roblox User
07:10 Interview 2
09:24 "June 4th" Roblox Museum
11:10 Outro



Kind: captions
Language: en

00:00:04.800 --> 00:00:05.934
[Mandarin] Hello American

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Did you know

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there's a chinese version of roblox

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not a knockoff

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but an official branch with their own servers

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their own rules

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even their own chat filter

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It's flooding

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My social credit score has just dropped 100 points.

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Going to deputy

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The reason this exists is because

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China has banned regular roblox

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in order to regain access to the Chinese market

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Roblox created a separate version of their platform

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called "Luo Bu"

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And if you want your game to be available on it

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you have to follow this incredibly long list of rules

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which include things like

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NO scary content

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NO content that relates to any political stand or viewpoint

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Oh, here's a fun one

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NO dead human or animal bodies

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This is seriously what you have to go through

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to get your game approved in China

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Why would anyone prefer this over regular roblox

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Why don't Chinese users just get a VPN and bypass the sensors

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Well actually

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they do

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anyone can download a VPN which is legal in china by the way

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and say

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fuck this

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I like seeing dead bodies,

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and blood,

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and scary content

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The main recent chinese user still use "Luo Bu Le Xi"

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is because on "Luo Bu"

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everyone speaks chinese

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everyone's kind of united under the same language

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With a little bit of help

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I was able to gain access to this platform

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and communicate with some of these users

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Some of which

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I was even able to convince to meet me

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on the other side of the great firewall

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on international roblox

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in my own game

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[Mandarin] trash game

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trash game

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[Mandarin] You are so cool, can I follow you?

00:02:35.100 --> 00:02:37.400
Everybody hates the fake game

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00:02:38.067 --> 00:02:39.367
you speak english?

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00:02:40.200 --> 00:02:43.233
why don't you get a VPN and use american roblox

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I have a popular game you can try

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I get it too

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I'm the owner

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it's called runker 51

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wanna to go there instead

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I can give you rocket launchers and free money

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what's your robots username

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00:03:09.334 --> 00:03:10.700
Welcome to roblox

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and runker51

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get in i wanna show you something

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something you won't see on the luobu

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just like hong kong

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i gave you internet molotovs

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i am having breakfast

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After the experience with giao

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I decided to assemble a team

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a team of Chinese speaking users

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who can go out into luobu and bring users over the firewall

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into Runker 51

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To be interviewed on a specially built stage made just for the occasion

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have a seat

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how is your english?

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So you're from China?

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what province?

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He might not understand what is province.

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can you translate

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wait a moment.

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I wanna go to pee

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les us know when you're back

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Enjoy your toilet

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00:04:57.767 --> 00:04:58.700
From Taiwan.

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Taiwan Province

00:04:59.867 --> 00:05:02.033
He said he is from Taiwan District

00:05:02.034 --> 00:05:04.834
does he see taiwan as its own country or part of china?

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A part of china

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A part of china.

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okay question 1!

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do you love the party?

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yes! yes! everybody loves the party!

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stand up pls

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question 2:

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Why Hastaged?

00:05:21.067 --> 00:05:23.233
did you know that you know when people starve to death

00:05:23.234 --> 00:05:25.200
because of the party in the late 50's?

00:05:27.267 --> 00:05:28.867
I am lagging sorry.

00:05:29.000 --> 00:05:32.600
did you know that you know when people starve to death because of the party in the late 50's?

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00:05:37.900 --> 00:05:40.700
just kidding! it was a natural disaster!

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question 3:

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glory to the party!

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that's not the question

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i just like saying that

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question 3 is:

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what should every american know before going to china?

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what should every american know before going to china?

00:05:54.134 --> 00:05:54.734
Know how to speak Chinese first

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He said they need to know Chinese language.

00:05:57.467 --> 00:05:59.500
Great, let's try a question 4:

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this one is a hypothetical

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let's say

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you're in your apartment

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and at 2am m the police knock on your door

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they start asking you questions about

00:06:07.800 --> 00:06:09.833
some youtube videos you've been posting

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how do i avoid going to jail?

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i mean how do you ever be going to jail?

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some youtube videos you've been posting

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how do you avoid going to jail?

00:06:23.367 --> 00:06:24.067
No problem

00:06:24.634 --> 00:06:25.400
never mind

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forget i asked

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question 5: what did you have for breakfast this morning?

00:06:29.634 --> 00:06:30.967
what did you have for breakfast this morning?

00:06:31.600 --> 00:06:32.933
Egg and Hot chocolate

00:06:32.934 --> 00:06:33.934
very good

00:06:34.034 --> 00:06:36.567
be happy you have to eat in you're own home

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and not a communal kitchen

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which was a terrible idea

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Btw it don't taste for me.

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because it's too salt

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collectivization can be bitter sometimes

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last question

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if i gave you control over the nukes

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would you do it?

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00:06:54.300 --> 00:06:58.500
No, it's not very special that we interviewed someone from Taiwan

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I mean it's fascinating to talk to someone

00:07:00.434 --> 00:07:02.300
with a completely different worldview

00:07:02.300 --> 00:07:04.667
but TW doesn't live behind the firewall

00:07:04.667 --> 00:07:07.867
I built this stage to speak to someone in China

00:07:08.167 --> 00:07:09.034
god dammit

00:07:09.034 --> 00:07:10.734
that's exactly what i did

00:07:13.067 --> 00:07:13.934
hi justin

00:07:14.034 --> 00:07:15.734
is it true you're from china?

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00:07:16.434 --> 00:07:18.467
are you in china right now?

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00:07:19.167 --> 00:07:21.367
what province if i may ask

00:07:25.134 --> 00:07:27.334
can you ask him what province he's in

00:07:27.567 --> 00:07:28.767
Which province are you from?

00:07:29.200 --> 00:07:30.000
Guang dong

00:07:30.000 --> 00:07:30.800
Guang dong

00:07:31.000 --> 00:07:31.800
very cool

00:07:31.800 --> 00:07:33.700
i have a friend in guangzhou

00:07:33.734 --> 00:07:35.400
it is too different place

00:07:35.867 --> 00:07:37.900
justin, do you ever use the luobu?

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00:07:39.600 --> 00:07:41.467
Have you played Chinese roblox called luobu?

00:07:41.800 --> 00:07:42.567

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Why you play that?

00:07:46.600 --> 00:07:48.534
I want see how bad it is

00:07:48.834 --> 00:07:51.967
To see how bad was the roblox china version

00:07:52.100 --> 00:07:53.767
lol, how bad is it?

00:07:54.034 --> 00:07:56.434
It has many xxs and few games only

00:07:56.467 --> 00:07:58.900
too less games and quality too bad

00:07:59.067 --> 00:08:00.700
do you like that you can't see blood

00:08:00.700 --> 00:08:02.967
and corpses on this version of roblox?

00:08:03.067 --> 00:08:03.767
Yes, of course.

00:08:03.767 --> 00:08:04.867
Yes, he liked it.

00:08:06.200 --> 00:08:09.133
does the internet censorship ever bother you in china?

00:08:09.134 --> 00:08:11.967
does the internet censorship ever bother you in china?

00:08:14.467 --> 00:08:15.134

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if you were in charge,

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what would you do about the censorship?

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00:08:21.534 --> 00:08:24.967
He said he will change the system of censorship

00:08:25.267 --> 00:08:26.167
very cool

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last question

00:08:27.667 --> 00:08:29.767
does ### exactly look like winnie the pooh

00:08:32.434 --> 00:08:33.067

00:08:33.067 --> 00:08:34.033
one sec

00:08:43.134 --> 00:08:45.067
Does the chairman of the Communist Party of China look like Winnie?

00:08:47.534 --> 00:08:47.967

00:08:48.234 --> 00:08:49.234
He said no.

00:08:50.134 --> 00:08:52.334
Obviously, I didn't bring people all this way

00:08:52.334 --> 00:08:54.667
just to ask questions about video games

00:08:54.834 --> 00:08:55.900
in winnie the flu

00:08:55.967 --> 00:08:58.000
there's a lot of more serious issues in China

00:08:58.000 --> 00:08:59.300
that deserve to be brought up

00:08:59.634 --> 00:09:00.300

00:09:00.600 --> 00:09:02.534
is probably only 10 years old

00:09:02.634 --> 00:09:05.300
So I doubt he'd be the right person to talk to about

00:09:05.700 --> 00:09:06.867
things like atrocities

00:09:07.067 --> 00:09:10.100
TW on the other hand is obviously much older

00:09:10.267 --> 00:09:11.834
and given that he's in taiwan

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his internet access isn't censored

00:09:13.967 --> 00:09:14.600
and he could still

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do his own research on the things we talk about

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And so

00:09:17.934 --> 00:09:19.734
I felt it was only appropriate

00:09:19.767 --> 00:09:23.067
to show on one of the most important parts of chinese history

00:09:23.167 --> 00:09:25.133
thank you for this insightful interview

00:09:25.434 --> 00:09:27.100
would you like to see the museum?

00:09:27.700 --> 00:09:28.667
Yes, please.

00:09:41.767 --> 00:09:43.367
this is the 64 museum

00:09:43.634 --> 00:09:45.234
do you know about 64?

00:09:45.700 --> 00:09:46.734
Know little bit.

00:09:46.900 --> 00:09:48.833
what have they teach you in Taiwan about it?

00:09:49.334 --> 00:09:51.034
Taiwan don't have to teach this

00:09:51.234 --> 00:09:52.034

00:09:52.400 --> 00:09:54.200
this museum tells you all about it

00:09:54.267 --> 00:09:55.000
starting here

00:09:55.500 --> 00:09:56.534
this politician

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## yaobang

00:09:57.534 --> 00:10:00.534
was an advocate for western style democracy in china

00:10:00.534 --> 00:10:01.967
the government demoted him

00:10:02.000 --> 00:10:04.167
and when he died, people protested

00:10:04.167 --> 00:10:04.633

00:10:04.634 --> 00:10:06.200
and during those protests

00:10:06.200 --> 00:10:09.200
the people's liberation army killed a lot of civilians

00:10:09.300 --> 00:10:11.833
the taiwanese government doesn't want to be part of china

00:10:11.834 --> 00:10:13.934
because they're afraid of another 64 happening

00:10:14.167 --> 00:10:15.100
among other things

00:10:15.900 --> 00:10:16.400

00:10:16.400 --> 00:10:20.067
that's why they have their own government, military, currency and culture

00:10:21.167 --> 00:10:22.400
do you understand this

00:10:23.400 --> 00:10:23.934

00:10:26.367 --> 00:10:27.500
it gets graphic here

00:10:46.567 --> 00:10:48.267
It like my history book.

00:10:48.267 --> 00:10:49.000

00:10:49.567 --> 00:10:50.533
this is funny

00:10:50.534 --> 00:10:52.200
luobu guidelines

00:10:52.200 --> 00:10:52.600

00:10:52.600 --> 00:10:56.233
no content that relates to any political stand or viewpoint

00:10:56.800 --> 00:11:00.033
do you know about the internet censorship in mainland china

00:11:00.034 --> 00:11:00.567

00:11:00.567 --> 00:11:02.400
what do you think about it

00:11:02.400 --> 00:11:03.400
is it worth it

00:11:04.200 --> 00:11:05.033

00:11:05.034 --> 00:11:08.567
do you think chinese people should be able to play regular roblox

00:11:08.767 --> 00:11:09.533

00:11:09.700 --> 00:11:10.567
me too

00:11:11.267 --> 00:11:14.267
Even though we probably disagree on a lot of political issues

00:11:14.267 --> 00:11:16.867
TW and I were able to find common ground

00:11:17.167 --> 00:11:19.167
experiences like this are exactly

00:11:19.167 --> 00:11:21.800
why roblox should rip up their contract with tencent

00:11:21.800 --> 00:11:24.900
and let Chinese accounts access normal roblox again

00:11:25.200 --> 00:11:28.900
Roblox is supposed to be a global platform that brings people together

00:11:29.234 --> 00:11:32.334
when you cut off 1.4 billions Chinese people

00:11:32.334 --> 00:11:33.967
that's not bringing people together

00:11:34.300 --> 00:11:35.767
That's discrimination

00:11:36.700 --> 00:11:37.334

00:11:37.334 --> 00:11:39.434
try to learn more about the broader issues in China

00:11:39.667 --> 00:11:41.900
Chapter 8 would be a great place to start

00:11:42.800 --> 00:11:43.667
Thanks for watching!

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