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I made this intentionally terrible video in probably less than 2 hours combined for April Fools day. I found it quite funny that some of the most talented Machinima makers joined me as fake actors in this awful video, but I think I speak for us all that when people's expectations are high for us, it's very fun to make something that sucks on purpose for shits and giggles. Still, I've learned that no matter how obvious a joke is on a day devoted to pranking one another, there will still be people that are so hopelessly gullible, you could snap your own neck from shaking your head so hard. This is the April Fools description I used for this video originally:

"hay guys!!! dasboschitt is in teh hospital rite now cuz he got beat up by renamon fans 4 his dirty renamon video. I am his 10 year old brother Milton and i will be filling in until he gets back!!!!! i desided to make my own super awesom gmod series wit my friends. i hope u all liek it, plz rate 5 starz even if it sucks and subscrbe subsrcibe even tho i will prolly quit after teh 1st episode and have nothing 2 offer my subscrbers except re-uploading other ppls videos!!! i will b deleting all bad comments to protect myself from learning from my mistakes and keep making crappy movies that only me & my friends find funny. ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Obvious, right? I even put "April fools joke" and "intentionally terrible" in the keywords and people still believed I gave my channel password to my 10 year old fake brother Milton, was hospitalized by limp-wristed, overzealous Renamon fans, hacked or just really high.

Come on, people, I wasn't even trying!

Update April 3rd 2010: If you ever needed a reason to give up on your fellow man, here it is. Even after placing (April Fools) in the title of this video, people STILL think it's a legitimate video. Where is natural selection when you need it?

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