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For my very first entry into the Source Filmmaker archives, I decided to try out the famous Commander Shepard model, made popular in Source Filmmaker by MegaGFilms. I wanted to try this model out to see what kind of edge its facial structure had over the rather restricted nature of the TF2 characters. TF2 models have their facial poses bound by sliders that adjust the intensity of poses in certain portions of their face. These sliders, while able to be exploited to ridiculous levels in Garry's Mod, Source Filmmaker is more limited in that respect, allowing facial flexes that are within more "reasonable" parameters. Commander Shepard on the other hand, while he does have his own set of slider controls, he is able to do something completely different. All pose-able portions of his face are actually able to be selected and manipulated just like the bones of a characters limbs. Combine that with Source Filmmakers' ability to stretch and rotate the bones of a character in completely silly ways, you're able to pose Commander Shepard's face in ways that could give children nightmares, and that kind of freedom is exactly what I was worried I would never get in Source Filmmaker.
I greatly hope later on down the line that people hoping to create new models, or import existing ones from other mediums into Source Filmmaker, catch onto this and make it possible to do more often. I was bothered at first by the restrictive nature of the slider system in SFM, but seeing Shepard's face at work allowed me to potentially remove this gripe from my list of things GMod can do better than Source Filmmaker.
The audio is from an All-State Mayhem ad. This one in particular is known as "Toddler Mayhem".
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