DBS Plays: This War of Mine - 01 - Welcome Home
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So, by popular demand, here's my first ever Lets Play done in a style inspired by the Something Awful archives. The game is the focus here and I seek to be as informative and respectful to the game's tone as much as possible. If I can help it, aside from the ad at the beginning of the video, there will be no ad breaks in the middle, not even the small popup ones, so it's to preserve the immersion factor of the game. I do hear about mid-break ads getting out of the creator's hands from time to time, but I'm going to do my best to prevent that from happening.
Please keep in mind, this is not a replacement at all of my animation content. A common complaint I get is that I take forever to upload a video, and that of course, is simply due to the fact that animation takes infinitely longer to make than any sort of content out there, period. Unless people are looking to have the animation become really lousy, just plain "hurrying it up" is not something I can do. I already work 8+ hours every day on animation and each sessions may only yield 6 - 20 seconds of footage depending on what's being done. This is a side series that can have 20 minute episodes made in the span of about 5 - 8 hours each after all the post production. This will allow me to release an LP video once a week to tide people over while I continue to work on my animation content. I do hope you like it. If not, tell me.
Let me know what you think. I'll be taking suggestions and constructive criticism to help polish up this series, that is, if people favor it enough to continue doing.
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