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Renamon model originally created by RyokuKitsune http://ryokukitsune.deviantart.com/art/Renamon-Rig-V1-49375227
These April Fools videos in GMod are fun on a bun to make, especially when it involves a reunion with my pals in the ICTON crew. These are actually fun and hilarious enough to do that maybe I'll think about doing these a little more often than just once a year.
Special thanks to DJY1991, Puppysky, Gene, Psychoduck, Kitty0706 and Nomible for coming and making the filming of his a total blast!
Original April Fools description:
hay u guys its me, Milton again! dasboschitt is in jail right now for calling the walking dead tv shows writing shitty, lol. so im borrowing his account again to upload my drama class project that was almost late!!! IF U SAY ANYTHING BAD ABOUT IT I WILL REMOVE THE COMMENT AND HIDE IN A CORNER TO PRETEND IT NEVER HAPPENED SO I DONT HAVE TO IMPROVE MYSELF, KTHXBYE!!!!
April fools, by the way.
Enjoy some behind the scenes! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGkLVtdr0fQ
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