Bo Schitt Reviews: Metro Last Light (Cancelled)
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As stated in the video, work kicked my ass enough to make this review too late to be relevant to the release time of the game and too early to be in the style of those "retro reviews" where heavy detail and story spoilers are all right. That in mind, I eventually just didn't have the passion to do this review anymore and released what I had finished, which admittedly was quite a bit.
As long as I have a day job with a very unpredictable schedule capable of eating up tons of my time, I'm going to be holding off on game reviews and just working on GMod animations, since most of the time, those don't have relevancy issues to them. Not to mention, the Last Light footage was taking up an entire terabyte of hard drive space and I need that space for other GMod projects, so that didn't help either.
Also, my stage presence is shit and I make myself cringe.
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