Bitches can't handle my shit,
They get really excited when they see my dick,
My dick pays rent, and my dick pays quick,
So I got a little story that'll rattle your tits,
Why wasn't the chicken able to cross the road?
Because it was disabled,
The doctors say I have a disease,
But I find that really fucking hard to believe,
I hang dogs on trees so I can raise the ROOF,
I turned around way too fast and knocked things off the shelf with my dick,
Now it's really red and blue like lilo and stitch,
Now it's really starting to itch,
This beat drops like my balls at the age of twelve,
My nipple shrivels up like a dehydrated elf,
I shot an old man in the kneecaps x2
They call me moose knuckles,
Because when I sit down, you can see my balls stick out like moose knuckles,
I get diseases from the great sex,
I'm coughing up blood so I'm gonna pass the mic
Pink Guy:
Bitches can't handle my shit,
They get really excited when they see my dick,
My dick pays rent, and my dick pays quick,
So I got a little story that'll rattle your tits,
They call me mr fancy pants, with these nasty rants,
They wanna get a little mr magic man,
They want a little fire from the land Japan,
So I give a little hell for these faggots man,
I shake things up like parkinson's on these faggots with cars and rims,
Cuz we're having a blast,
like Kim Jung on his last lung bombing America son, yeah,
You can't kill me, cuz Chin Chin is my lord,
Fuck that I aint about the peace,
I'm really all about that vaginal crease,
Cuz I'm done with you assholes,
you fail hard like you're missin a class tho,
mother fucker I will kill you,
mother fucker I will kill you,
tags: this gangster rap is literally so gangster that a thousand cigars will make its way out of your urethra while other surrounding penises will wear fedoras and scream stereotypical 20's gangster phrases like yees ya see? ya see? then you realize you're tripping on acid and you never do drugs again, but then again, what if we're normal when we DO take drugs. The world is indeed comic, but the joke is on man kind.i want to fuck a hornets nest hoping the swelling of tissue will increase the penis size and impress this girl i liked in kindergarden (that was last week)
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